
Partridge Hall Long Barrow
Long Barrow

Details of Long Barrow on Pastscape

LONG MOUND (TL 59036202) lies 380 yds. N.W. of Beacon Farm on a low chalk rise at 110 ft. above O.D. It has been heavily ploughed and almost completely destroyed. The low mound is 150 ft. long and 40 ft. wide but is only 9 ins.-1 ft. high. It is orientated almost E.N.E-W.S.W. and is surrounded by a shallow ditch now 25 ft. wide and up to 9 ins. deep.(1) Ploughed out; no remains.(2) Additional reference.(3)
TL 58926211. Buried remains of a long barrow south east of Partridge Hall Farm. The barrow mound has been reduced by ploughing and is no longer visible above ground, but the surrounding ditch and the central burial area appear on aerial photographs as cropmarks. The barrow is aligned east-west and measures roughly 66 metres long and 30 metres wide. Scheduled. (4)