Remains of a probable IA fort situated upon the flat summit of the northern end of the ridge called The Warren, and centred at SP02403180. The work is roughly oval in shape, measures about 230.0 m, NW-SE, by 170.0 m transversely, and is contour-following all the way.
Where the defences crossed the ridge at the northern and southern ends, no traces remain, probably due to ploughing.
Along the W side, the upper slopes of the ridge have been steepened by scarping, and are 5.0 m in height, 10.0 m in length. A probably original entrance cuts very obliquely up through the scarped slopes near to the NW corner of the work.
The E side has been reduced by ploughing to a lynchet-like slope, 5.0 m in length, 1.5 m in height.