
Image of Foxcote Hill Farm (Round Barrow(s)) by thesweetcheat

Looking from the site of the lost barrow towards the prominent St Paul’s Epistle round barrow, topped with trees on the hilltop.

Image credit: A. Brookes (8.5.2020)


Foxcote Hill Farm

A short distance south of St Paul’s Epistle.
Access is via a public right of way (over a gate) into a field of sheep.

I spotted this on my O/S map but could find no reference to it by E.H.

The Barrow is barely, and I mean barely, visible as very slight bump cut in half by a wire field fence. I would put it as approximately 0.1m high. It requires the ‘eye of faith’ – assuming it was the Barrow I was looking at!

Whereas St Paul’s Epistle is worth visiting – this one isn’t.

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Foxcote Hill Farm
Round Barrow(s)

From the Gloucestershire HER:

1999 – Site visited by A Douthwaite of English Heritage on 04/02/1999 as a result of MPP. The barrow was first reported in the late 1970s, by Saville and Drinkwater during fieldwalking, as a small mound about 8m in diameter and 0.3m high with a small central excavation crater.

On visiting the site it became clear nothing of the mound survived. The area in which it was reported to lie is currently under pasture, but was ploughed until c.1990 and it is quite possible that the barrow was destroyed during this period.

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Sites within 20km of Foxcote Hill Farm