

Shawswell Farm

Walked here from Boy’s Grove round barrow. Access is from the south, up the side of a valley that’s wet with springs. Typical Cotswold long barrow position, on the side of a hill rather than on the top.

This one has been seriously reduced over the years, to the point where it appears to be two separate mounds. The larger part is very reminiscent of Lineover long barrow a few miles to the north of here. Total length is around 40 metres, but height (even of the larger mound) is only a little more than a metre.

Off to Bagendon earthworks from here.

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Shawswell Farm
Long Barrow

Details of long barrow on Pastscape

Long Barrow at SP 027118. The remains of a turf-covered, long barrow situated upon the top of a ridge with a gently south-facing slope, at SP 02671180.the barrow, constructed of limestone, is orientated almost due north-south and measures 41.0m in length and from 10.0 m in width at the southern end to 16.0m at the northern end. In height it increases, south to north, from 0.6m to 1.2m. The mound has been cut away at the centre for a distance of 9.0m, thus isolating the ends, and the
whole site has been reduced and spread by the plough. There are no visible remains of side ditches. Surveyed at 1:2500 on AM. (2)
A Neolithic long barrow which has been previously recorded and surveyed is visible on aerial photographs of 1946 and 2006 in the north-western corner of the field adjacent to The Grove. All that remains of the long barrow are two small mounds, representing either end of the original north to south aligned mound. This feature was mapped from aerial photographs as part of The Cotswold Hills NMP project.
The area covered by the long barrow remains is centred at SP 0267 1179, and measures approximately 42m north to south and a maximum of 18m east to west. The oblong remains of the northern end of the barrow measure approximately 22m north to south and 18m east to west. There is a gap of approximately 10m before the remains of the southern end of the barrow, which is a circular mound measuring approximately 10m in diameter (3-4).

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Sites within 20km of Shawswell Farm