Wandlebury forum 2 room
Image by A R Cane




Amazing! TC Lethbridge proposed that these hill figures existed in 1954 (or there abouts) in his book Gogmagog and detailed their probable location as being where this bloke seems to be claiming that he now thinks they were.

These claims are nothing new and once again it's Lethbridge that was there first in his own totally insane way.

"I am all for historical things being brought back, but it would have to be in keeping with the rest of the Hoe and fitting for the 21st century."

Does that mean, er, somewhere like Stonehenge is not fitting with the new Tesco supermall and therefore not deserving of any funding or preservation?

Devon is fascinating to me, it hides it's lights under bushels all the time. Thanks for the link FW, shall be following this one closely. Ever read a weird book called 'Gog'? About a man who washes up on Britain's coastline with 'Gog' and 'Magog' tattooed on his knuckles, with no memory as to who or why he is. Blurbbleeurbble...

Comme ça?


When I lived in Kingswear south Devon there was a hillfort nearby named Godmerock, on older maps it was gogmerock.
There is a local legend that a giant once lived there and every new years eve the local villages still dress up in fancy dress to confuse the giant and deter him from eating people.

Just found this (by the powers of Google vested in me)...


Any thoughts as to why, in the Guildhall in the City of London, there should be large statues of Gog and Magog? It seems the most unlikely place to find these Pagan(?)legendary figures. I think the wooden figures are late Mediaeval but it's years since I saw them so the memory is a bit cloudy.


You started all this off by saying...

> Amazing! TC Lethbridge proposed that these hill figures
> existed in 1954 (or there abouts) in his book Gogmagog
> and detailed their probable location as being where this
> bloke seems to be claiming that he now thinks they were.

Just so that I don't end up very confused, am I right in thinking
that Wandlebury (Cambridgeshire) is just one of a number of
similar sites identified by Lethbridge?

If not, what's the connection between Plymouth and Wandlebury?

K x


They're not convinced.