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Re: Ivory Trade Ban
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Sanctuary wrote:
For those who doubted the governments word with regard to banning the trade in Ivory because it was not in their 2017 manifesto, read this reply to me from the Conservative candidate for my area, Scott Mann. Makes perfect sense to me as it should to any reasonable person and not one out to cause trouble.

I've done my bit now so will move on...

Scott Mann

Today at 21:48

To roy goutte

Message body

Dear Roy,

Thank you for your email.

Although the 2017 manifesto does not explicitly repeat the 2015 pledge of banning all sales of ivory, this does not mean that a Conservative Government will stop its hard and important work in protecting elephants.

If a total ban were to be implemented, then this would stop the sale of items that contain ivory which are very old, such as antiques. Blocking the sale of such items would not necessarily have any effect on protecting elephants, and all efforts must be put into stopping the sale of new ivory which has been taken from elephants.

The 2017 manifesto therefore states that a Conservative Government would help and work with international organisations to protect the marine environment and endangered species around the world.

There is a global effort to clamp down on the ivory trade and protect elephants in Africa. The UK Government is committed to tackling the crisis facing the African elephant from poaching and illegal trafficking.

The Government has already allocated an additional £13 million to tackle Illegal Wildlife Trade (IWF) through a number of new initiatives to reduce demand, strengthen enforcement and develop sustainable livelihoods for communities affected by IWT.

This is likely to include expanded British Military training for African park rangers; additional funding for Interpol to expand its work with key nations, tracking and intercepting illegal shipments of ivory, rhino horn and other illegal wildlife products; and up to £4million for the International Consortium for Combatting Wildlife Crime.

China has the biggest ivory market in the world, and I like many was delighted to hear that the Chinese Government intends to implement a ban on all ivory trade activities by the end of this year.

This will significantly hinder the operations of poachers and sellers, and I really hope this global effort - which includes the UK - will secure the future of elephants in Africa.

Kind regards,
Oll an gwella

Scott Mann
Conservative Candidate for North Cornwall

T: 01208 74337 | E: [email protected] | | Twitter: @scottmannmp

As promised...

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Posted by Sanctuary
3rd April 2018ce

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Ivory Trade Ban (Sanctuary)

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Re: Ivory Trade Ban (nigelswift)

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