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Re: Tonights Newsnight
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spencer wrote:
I assume it'll be on Beeb iPlayer when finished. Second feature is an cringey interview with Yvette Cooper. A l m o s t felt sorry for her, trying to explain why people should vote for her not Corbyn. Look at her eyes, listen to the manic voice on edge of stuttering. Kirsty Wark emphasised she was back in third place, but she refused to back out so Burnham could have her votes. In that case... : D ......and, in the first feature, a West Midlands Labour councillor made the point that Blair had lost FOUR MILLION votes. Wonder why, and how many are thinking of returning to the fold. Add on the young and ethnic minority vote. Crunch the numbers of the last electoral turnout, take into account the boundary changes the Tories brought in. Corbyn unelectable? Er, I think not.

Not being a Labour supporter I don't give a monkeys who wins, but some of the comments dished out by Corbyn's rivals for the leadership of the party will surely leave them no other option than quit if he wins. They say it's not a personal thing but that's BS surely.

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Posted by Sanctuary
14th August 2015ce

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Tonights Newsnight (spencer)

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Re: Tonights Newsnight (Captain Starlet)

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