The Modern Antiquarian. Stone Circles, Ancient Sites, Neolithic Monuments, Ancient Monuments, Prehistoric Sites, Megalithic MysteriesThe Modern Antiquarian

Links by Chance

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Fechain Polissor Stone (Carving)

Megalithes Du Monde

Web site with details of the Fechain Polissor Stone, including a photo.

English translation via Google

La Borne Grand Pere (Carving)

Megalithes Du Monde

Web site detailing the site in the village of villers-au-Tertre. Includes photo of stone

English translation via Goggle

The Cave of Niaux (Cave / Rock Shelter)

Tourist Information for The Cave of Niaux

Practical information on visiting the Niaux cave with times, prices and local facilities

The Cosquer Cave (Cave / Rock Shelter)

Bradshaw Foundation

Details of the Cosquer Cave by Jean Clottes, Jean Courtin, Luc Vanrell

Ministry of Culture for France

A three-dimensional reproduction of the cave created by Electricité de France, permitting a "virtual visit".

Chauvet Cave (Cave / Rock Shelter)

The Cave of Forgotten Dreams

Werner Herzog gains exclusive access to film inside the Chauvet caves of southern France, capturing the oldest known pictorial creations of humankind in their astonishing natural setting.

He puts 3-D technology to a profound use, taking us back in time over 30,000 years.

Includes trailer for the movie

Ministry of Culture - The Chauvet Cave

Offical French Ministry of Culture information site in English

Includes an interactive map with photos.

Dons maps - Chauvet Cave

An enthusiast web site by Don Hitchcock from Armidale NSW, with some excellent photographs and articles on the caves and the area

The Lascaux caves (Cave / Rock Shelter)

The Lascaux Caves - Virtual tour

Official Web site from the French Ministry of Culture - English version

Save Lascaux

Official website of the International Committee for the Preservation of Lascaux

Laténium (Ancient Village / Settlement / Misc. Earthwork)


Offical website for the archeology museum with events diary

Altar Stone (Oath Stone)

YouTube - Chippychance

Video of Stonehenge from the Winter Solstice 2010 showing the Altar stone being used as the site of a pagan Handfasting or hand-festa.

For more on this see......

Bushy Barrow (Round Barrow(s))

Wiltshire Sites and Monuments Record

The listing for Bushy Barrow on the Wiltshire SMR (No.ST87SE602), complete with satellite view of the area

Pierre-aux-Dames (Musée d'art et d'histoire) (Cup and Ring Marks / Rock Art)

Des mégalithes, des légendes et des dieux By Jean-François Kister

Exerts from Google books, in French, with reference to Pierre-aux-Dames showing excavation photos from 1877

Beckhampton Avenue (Multiple Stone Rows / Avenue)

Avebury Project Diary 2003

Diary notes and excavation photos from 2003 showing the work carried out around the Long stones together with buried stones from the Beckhampton Avenue.

Avebury & the Marlborough Downs (Region)

How to Travel to Avebury

Wiltshire council web page detailing some of the more environmentally friendly ways to get to Avebury other than by car.

Switzerland (Country)

The Lake Dwellings of Switzerland and other Parts of Europe By Dr. Ferdinand Keller

The Lake Dwellings of Switzerland and other Parts of Europe By Dr. Ferdinand Keller.
Translated and arranged by John Edward Lee, FSA, FGS London: Longmans. 1866

Download the complete book in PDF format from Google Books

Wildkirchli (Cave / Rock Shelter)

Wikipedia article on religion during the Paleolithic period

Wikipedia article on religion during the Paleolithic period

Wikipedia article on Neanderthal Humans

Wikipedia article on Neanderthal Humans

Website on arctolatry or bear worship

Website on arctolatry or bear worship
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Hail and Welcome

Chance was born in Ratae in the year of the Rat, and grew up in the territory of the Corieltauvi.

Now living days walk west of Wale-dich (Avebury), on the border between the Atrebates, the Durotriges and the Dobunni.

Practical experience of excavation on Neolithic, Bronze-age, Roman sites.

Interested in the various tribes, how they divided their land, their agricultural calendar, common beliefs and ritual systems.

Often attends the tribal meetings held at Avebury and Stonehenge.

Contact - Chippychance on UTube

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