

Lower Thorpe
Round Barrow(s)

Details of barrow on Pastscape

SP 53704546. Discovered during field investigation. A mound under pasture with a maximum diameter of 20.0m and a height of 0.7m; a surrounding slight non-surveyable ditch is visible – particularly on the east flank. Located on the crest of a spur about 160.0 a.s.l., its isolated position (no access roads/tracks are visible on OS air photographs (a), and general appearance suggest it to be a bowl barrow rather than a mill mound. CRO maps consulted; no informative information.
Surveyed on 1:2500 MSD. (1) Windmill Mound (SP 53704546) in the N of the parish, on Upper Lias Clay at 145 m. above OD. It is surrounded by ridge-and-furrow, but as it has been ploughed over in recent times (local inf) it is no longer possible to be certain whether the ridges pass under or around the mound. The field in which it stands was known as Windmill Ground in 1806. It has been interpreted elsewhere as a round barrow, but is more likely to be a windmill mound. (2)


Lower Thorpe
Round Barrow(s)

Like Barrow Hill this is positioned next to Banbury Lane (part of the ‘Jurassic Way’ ancient routeway). It is smaller, only one metre high, but is located on the brow of a hill and can be seen as a prominent bump. There are traces of a ditch on one side. In 1806 the field was called Windmill Ground, so the barrow may have been reused as a windmill mound (unless that was just an assumption of its origins).

(info gleaned from the smr record on Magic)

Sites within 20km of Lower Thorpe