Details of hillfort on Pastscape
(SP 523440) Ancient Earthwork (TI) (on Thenford Hill). (1)
The camp of ‘Arberry Hill’ is situated by the side of Banbury Lane, somewhat more than a mile N of Thenford village. The earthwork is irregular, but nearly the segment of a circle, extending c 150 yds along the N and W edges of the hill. c 7 yds below is a ledge or lynchet, from which a second declivity runs to the base of the hill. (2)
‘Arbury Hill’ Thenford, may belong to the Early Iron Age. (3) The ploughed-down remains of what was apparently a sub-circular univallate fort, c 250 m in diameter, can be traced. (4)
The remains of a small contour hillfort situated c 600’ a.s.l. in a commanding position. Modern farming and quarrying have destroyed and mutilated most of the work but the extant remains plus air photo evidence substantiate the classification. See annotated 25” survey. The ‘ledge or lynchet’ (Auth 2) which is also visible on APs is a natural feature and does not form a coherent part of the earthwork. Over the last three years Mr D J Barrett (local amateur archaeologist) has found potsherds at SP 52224392 which are probably IA but have not yet been classified. (5) No change since report of 14 4 70 (6)
Surveyed on 1:2500 MSD. (7)
Iron Age settlement (SP 523440) has been described as a hill fort, but it was probably no more than a lightly defended farmstead. A large area of Neolithic or Bronze Age worked and waste flints has been found in the SE of the site, and scatters of flints including microliths lie outside the enclosure (SP 5234390, 52054385). Iron Age and Roman pottery has come from the E part of the site. The Bronze Age hoard found in the parish [SP 54 SW 7] may be from this site. [RCHM plan].(7)