
Image of Eyre (Standing Stones) by Kammer

Taken 30th July 2004: The stones viewed from the south east.

Image credit: Simon Marshall
Image of Eyre (Standing Stones) by Kammer

Taken 30th July 2004: The south easterly stone, viewed from the north west.

Image credit: Simon Marshall
Image of Eyre (Standing Stones) by Kammer

Taken 30th July 2004: The stones viewed from the north west.

Image credit: Simon Marshall
Image of Eyre (Standing Stones) by Kammer

Taken 30th July 2004: The stones viewed from the road, with Loch Eyre behind them.

Image credit: Simon Marshall
Image of Eyre (Standing Stones) by notjamesbond

It sure is a spectacular location for these stones to be positioned in. Alas it was a wet and windy day on Skye and I’m not sure my digital camera lens was up to it.



Visited 29.7.13

We parked on the grass verge and Karen stayed in the car with the children as I climbed over the field gate and headed out across the field towards the stones (easily seen from the roadside). I obviously wasn’t the first person to visit the stones today as there were clear foot prints in the long green grass.

The stones were covered in white and yellow lichen and have great loch side views.
Both stones are approximately 1.5m high. The RHS stone has a large boulder next to it.

The weather was warm, cloudy but still. The water was calm and the birds were singing.
This was a good place to be. Well recommended.


Visited 30th July 2004: I left the others in the car and walked to the stones on my own (they were suffering from megalith fatigue). I made my way across the field without any adverse bovine attention, and got a few shots of the stones before running out of memory on the digital camera.

The stones are pleasantly perched on the edge of Loch Eyre. They’re not especially close to the water, and with the lower sea levels of the Bronze Age it would be a mistake to think of the stones as strongly linked to the modern loch. These two megaliths are big and bold. They leave you in no doubt that someone wanted to make a statement here!


On the way to the ferry we passed the standing stones at Eyre. Looking out over the loch they shared a field with a rather large group of inquizitive cows who seemed to take pleasure in following us around. We walked briskly up to the stones, lingered for a minute until the cows had lost interest and then walked briskly back.


Standing Stones

The most interesting feature of the Kensaleyre stones, apart from their superb location by the loch, is the story told about them in Skye folklore.

The stones are also known by their Gaelic name Sornaichean Coir’ Fhinn. The name relates to an old legend that the mythical warrior Finn, or Fingal, and his band of hunters used the stones to suspend a cooking pot over a fire. The pot was so large that it held a whole deer, which Fingal used to make venison stew.

Kensaleyre Standing Stones, Skye
History, tourist information, and nearby accommodation

Sites within 20km of Eyre