

Clach Ard

Visited 30.7.13

We actually visited Uig the day before and hadn’t planned a return trip but Sophie had left her cuddly rabbit in the shop so a return trip it had to be! (luckily we managed to get the rabbit back all safe and well) The plus point for me was that it gave me a second chance to visit the standing stone. I did keep an eye out for it yesterday but couldn’t see it. This time, as we left Uig heading south along the A87 I caught a glimpse of it – that was all the encouragement I needed!

There is a parking area on the main road (opposite) and a quick hop over a field gate.
Walk up a rough track, then over a fence, jump over a stream, over another fence and you are there – up close and personal!

The stone is approximately 1.5m high and covered in white lichen.
It is a good spot for a standing stone with fantastic views over Uig and Loch Snizort.

I am so glad I had a second opportunity to pay a visit – thanks Mr Rabbit!

Clach Ard

31st July 2004: I failed to visit this stone, even though we stayed the night in Uig. Just ran out of time. However, I did see it from the quayside in Uig, armed with binoculars and a Landranger map. As we sailed away on the ferry I watched it wistfully (the one that got away).

Sites within 20km of Clach Ard