
Image of Dun Liath, Kilmuir by LesHamilton

Several courses of walling are still evident at this ruinous dùn.

Image credit: Les Hamilton
Image of Dun Liath, Kilmuir by LesHamilton

Unusually, Dun Liath has this extra-mural cell outside the structure.

Image credit: Les Hamilton
Image of Dun Liath, Kilmuir by GLADMAN

The dun even has its own private beach. Very desirable...

Image credit: Robert Gladstone
Image of Dun Liath, Kilmuir by GLADMAN

The artificial defences of the western flank are much slighter. With an approach like this there was clearly no need for anything more...

Image credit: Robert Gladstone
Image of Dun Liath, Kilmuir by GLADMAN

From the approx. north-east. Note what I took to be an additional defensive wall to prevent any storming of the gate...

Image credit: Robert Gladstone
Image of Dun Liath, Kilmuir by GLADMAN

Substantial drystone defences remain in situ.

Image credit: Robert Gladstone


Dun Liath, Kilmuir

Visited: May 24, 2015

Dùn Liath stands on a low eminence above the cliffs to the east of Kilmuir in Skye’s Trotternish peninsula. Now very much collapsed, there are still several courses of walling to the south of the dùn, and several places where the galleried nature of this fort is still evident. In addition to an intra-mural cell, there is also, unusually, an extra-mural cell outside the remains of the eastern rampart.

Access to Dùn Liath is from the Sgeir Lang Slipway, where you are faced with an immediate climb to the clifftop, and then by a path for about a kilometre west then southwest along the coastline.

Sites within 20km of Dun Liath, Kilmuir