Taken 3rd August 2004: Clach Stei Lin viewed from the village of Siadar Uarach to the north west.
Taken 3rd August 2004: Clach Stei Lin viewed from the village of Siadar Uarach to the north west.
Taken 3rd August 2004: Clach Stei Lin from the north west.
Taken 3rd August 2004: Viewed from the south east, here is (or should that be ‘are’) Clach Stei Lin. In the distance is the village of Siadar Uarach.
Visited 31.5.12
We parked on the main road in Siadar and I walked up the rough track, between the two buildings, which runs south west of the stone circle. As you get closer to the stone there is a metal field gate on your left to go through/over and a short walk across a field to the remaining standing stone.
It is approx a 10 minute walk from the main road.
From the circle you get a good view of Loch An Duin Stone Fort and Steinacleit Stone Circle is also clearly visible on top of the adjacent hill.
The standing stone is approximately 1.5 metres tall with a pointy top.
It is covered in ‘hairy’ lichen.
The stone stands on a raised circular mound approximately 10 metres across.
I assume this is the circumference of the stone circle?
There are many stones sticking out of the grass around the edge of the raised area.
As Kammer said, I doubt this stone circle receives many visitors.
Visited 4th August 2004: We started off trying to get a view of Clach Stei Lin from the village of Siadar Uarach. You can see it from the end of the cul-de-sac that lies to the north west of the stone, but it’s not a great view.
In the end I approached on foot from the track to the south west of the stone, leaving Louise in the car. At the site there are two obvious stones, one standing (which we’d seen from the village) and the other, much smaller, lieing prone just to the north.
This is one of those places where you know very few people visit, despite being relatively close to the road. If these stones were in souther England they’d be litterred with rubbish and graffiti, but here on Lewis they represent a relatively minor site.
Vive l’indifférence!
This is a 1.5m high standing stone, but is not entirely alone. A survey of the site carried out in 1914 identified a number of prostrate stones, some lying underneath a covering of peat, giving the impression that they were overthrown standing stones and probably part of an original circle.
‘Lewis & Harris, History and Pre-history’ by Francis Thompson.
RCAHMS NMRS record no. NB35SE 3 site-type standing stone at NB39705456 now scheduled as stone circle and enclosure.
The 5’x26"x13” pointy stone @1 is Clachan Mora Steinacleit. 141’ SW is a prostrate stone @2 sticking out 12’3"x2’9”, 42’ SE another stone slab @3 in the peat also 5’ min. x15”. These are the remains of a stone circle. An arc to the W with stones in its SW part complete a sub-circular drystone enclosure ~44m N/S by ~38m E/W, and there are traces of another directly SE.