
Image of Mottistone Down Barrows by A R Cane

Panorama looking back East across the island from the ‘Harboro’.

Image credit: A R Cane
Image of Mottistone Down Barrows by A R Cane

Facing West with the Tennyson Down cliffs just visible.

Image credit: A R Cane
Image of Mottistone Down Barrows by A R Cane

A small ring of stones set into the top of one of the largest barrows, the ‘Harboro’. Nice touch, but not ancient! These were placed here in WW2, I believe, when this spot was an Observation Post. There’s also a lump of concrete sticking out of the south eastern edge which may have been part of a larger structure.

Image credit: A R Cane
Image of Mottistone Down Barrows by A R Cane

Looking back towards Five Barrows on the left and behind that the Solent and the mainland.

Image credit: A R Cane

Sites within 20km of Mottistone Down Barrows