Visited 26.3.2016.
Both barrows are easy to spot from the road but are both covered y the dreaded gorse.
E. H. state:
This monument includes two bell barrows situated on lowland heath. The southern barrow mound measures 16m in diameter and stands up to 1.4m high. Surrounding the mound is a level berm or platform, surviving to an average width of 2.2m, a ditch, from which material was quarried during the construction of the barrow, and an outer bank. The ditch has become partly infilled over the years, but survives as a slight earthwork 2m wide and 0.8m deep; the bank is 2.7m wide and 0.4m high. The overall diameter of this barrow is 35m. The northern barrow mound measures 14m in diameter and stands up to 1.5m high. Surrounding the mound is a berm, which has an average width of 1m, a ditch, which is 2m wide and 0.5m deep, and an outer bank 3.5m wide and 0.4m high. The overall diameter of this barrow is 33m. Both barrow mounds have evidence for partial excavation or robbing in the form of a slight hollow in the mound centre.