
Image of Chillerton Down (Hillfort) by juamei

Image Credit: Environment Agency copyright and/or database right 2015.

Image credit: Open Source Environment Agency LIDAR
Image of Chillerton Down (Hillfort) by A R Cane

Sarsen stone by the gateway leading up to Chillerton Down.

Image credit: A R Cane
Image of Chillerton Down (Hillfort) by A R Cane

Hidden slightly by the bushes and trees with the TV mast behind.

Image credit: A R Cane
Image of Chillerton Down (Hillfort) by A R Cane

Giving a vague indication of its height, about 3-3.5m, but little idea of its form. Known locally as ‘Five Barrows’, due to it’s undulations, but not to be confused with the better known Five Barrows cemetery (actually at least eight!) on Brook Down further west. Glad we’ve got that one sorted out.

Image credit: A R Cane
Image of Chillerton Down (Hillfort) by A R Cane

The earthwork in it’s landscape abreast Chillerton Down.

Image credit: A R Cane
Image of Chillerton Down (Hillfort) by A R Cane

Looking north-east with what might have been the original entrance and track to the left.

Image credit: A R Cane


Chillerton Down

Rampart and ditch of an unfinished iron age promontory hillfort. The rampart is approximately 3m high , 85m long and 5m wide on top. Total width of the rampart base is 18m. The local name is five barrows due to depressions in the bank, giving the allusion of seperate mounds.

Sites within 20km of Chillerton Down