15/11/03- the stone at the southern edge of the wall
15/11/03- the stone at the southern edge of the wall
15/11/03- with Lee Pen in the background
15/11/03- the view down from the firetrack
Saturday 15/11/03
The firetrack next to the settlement is a section of the climb up to some excellent DH biking in this forest. I’ve passed the clearing on many occasions, known about the settlement from the OS map, but never connected the two. On climbing down from the track I notice a wooden post at a corner where the trees stop with the letter ‘S’ on it. Having a look around I can just see in the trees one of these at each corner of the clearing. Looks like FC marked this area out when they planted the forest. From the track you can see the outline of the external wall, but most of this has collapsed down the steep sides of the hill and into the forest. I could only find one stone on the southern flanks (although CANMORE mention three). There are also meant to be eight house platforms within the wall, but these are very difficult to distinguish due to the overgrown vegetation. The occupants of this place must have had an excellent view up and down the Leithen Water and across to Lee Pen, though the position is not a defensive one, unlike the two forts (the Pirn and Caerlee) only a couple of kilometres or so down the glen.