
Image of Parc Cerrig Hirion (Standing Stone / Menhir) by postman

A reverse image of Sweetcheats image, nearly.

Image credit: Chris Bickerton
Image of Parc Cerrig Hirion (Standing Stone / Menhir) by thesweetcheat

The stone seen from the hillside to the south. The brownish headland behind is an Iron Age cliff fort.

Image credit: A. Brookes (24.9.2014)
Image of Parc Cerrig Hirion (Standing Stone / Menhir) by ocifant

Seen from the bridle path to the rear of the houses.

Image credit: ALan S>
Image of Parc Cerrig Hirion (Standing Stone / Menhir) by Kammer

Taken 20th April: The stone as seen over the gate next to Mercury Garage (not a petrol station, but a mechanic’s workshop).

Image credit: Simon Marshall
Image of Parc Cerrig Hirion (Standing Stone / Menhir) by Kammer

Taken 5th October 2002: This is the stone from the north, looking towards Dinas Cross.

Image credit: Simon Marshall


Parc Cerrig Hirion

The last time I tried to get to this stone I came at it from the more secluded northern side but this proved a futile and fruitless task. But this time I am armed with the knowledge of failures past, and not just mine, I looked for the small blue garage on the north side of the road, next to a gate, I looked through the gate as I gangland style driveby’d, though not armed with illegal firearms, but rather an intent curious and determined eagles eye.

The frontal assault.
No sneaking round the back, no distant views, no stopping at the gate.
I parked up the road and walked the hundred meters or so back to the gate, I was mindful of the houses across the road, but ultimately I ignored them, does a landowner live there? who cares? we’ll soon see.
Quick as you like I’m in the field and striding confidently towards the stone, whilst at the same time trying to avoid excessively boggy areas, it’s been raining for hours so bog outnumbers dry 3 to 1.
No body came.
It is perhaps interesting to note what Coflein say about the site.......
Parc Cerrig Hirion is a monolith 2.1m high. A second stone, perhaps a natural boulder, was illustrated in 1875 and removed about twenty years before 1966. A possible stone pair, this stone is not the Lady Stone.
This is not the lady stone your looking for.
I wasn’t looking for one.
Is 2.1 meters about 7 feet? the stone is taller than me anyway, that’s a good gauge as to whether a stone is big or not. In profile it looks like either the Fish stone or a flint axe.
Nice stone.

Parc Cerrig Hirion

Visited 30.6.10.
There is a wooden field gate next to Mercury Garage on the A478 which gives access to the stone. The stone is easily seen about 100 metres away. I was tempted to go and have a closer look but there was a bloke in the garden opposite who never took his eyes off me so I settled for a view from the gate instead.

Parc Cerrig Hirion

I should have read the previous fieldnotes! I scrabbled around trying to see anything, until I stumbled upon the bridle path. I managed to spot the stone through the hedgerow, and grabbed this shot.

Parc Cerrig Hirion

Go to the viewpoint at SN010384 up the hill from Dinas Cross and you’ll see this standing about 9 feet high in a field behind some cottages on the main road. The view from up here is utterly wonderful. I sat on a bench dedicated to the memory of ‘Big’ Glyn Somebody-or-other. The inscription read: ‘If you knew him you were lucky.’ I didn’t know him, but I knew I liked this view, as must he have done. I felt lucky.

Parc Cerrig Hirion

Visited 20th April and 24th May 2003: On these two subsequent ‘visits’ to the stone I viewed it from afar. The closest satisfactory view I’ve managed to get of the stone, without wandering into the field uninvited, is from the gate next to Mercury Garage (on the A478). The second view, is much more spectacular, but not so close up, from the viewing point to the south of Dinas Cross.

Parc Cerrig Hirion

Visited 5th August 2002: Once again I visited a site with good intentions to stay on the footpath, but in the end it came to now’t. I walked along the bridleway to the north of the stone, but the hedgerow made it very difficult to see it clearly.

Rather than turn back I kept on walking until I got to a gate into the field adjoining the one that the stone is in. By hopping over this I reached the stone and took a couple of very furtive photographs. I was feeling rather smug with myself until I spotted a couple of faces watching me from the upstairs window of a house at the bottom of the field. I decided to briskly leave the scene of the crime via a gate next to the house, and onto the A487. Yes, the stone is clearly visible from the main road!


Parc Cerrig Hirion
Standing Stone / Menhir

In the Cadw records for Parc Cerrig Hirion I found a brief and rather vague reference to a second stone that may have stood in the same field. The land owner (who I assume was in conversation with a representative of Cadw) reported that his father had removed a standing stone from the field, and put it in the hedge. He rather helpfully offered to put it back again if necessary!

Sites within 20km of Parc Cerrig Hirion