
Clym Saith Maen
Standing Stone / Menhir

A Coflein relieved blue spot yielded this standing stone.
This is said to be one of the seven standing stones referred to in the name Clym Saith Maen (see NPRN 304064). It is a 1.4m high monolith, apparently decapitated.
I tried really hard to see this stone from the road, I wasn’t going to wander around the boggy gorse ridden marshes without being able to see my destination, I made four passes at it but it remained aloof.
A better map shows the stone by a fence on the border between farmland and rough national park.
Next time.
The coflein entry says it is one of seven, as does the sites name, but I can only see six on the map and coflein, where could it have gone, or does it still lurk in some nearby hedgerow.
Next time.