This site is of disputed antiquity. If you have any information that could help clarify this site's authenticity, please post below or leave a post in the forum.
I came across a boundary stone at East Hare Crag NY959168. It was approx 2 Metres tall by 0.75 Metres wide
The face was marked with a date of 17** (obscured) and the left side was marked with a 'G' right side with a 'C'.
Curious thing is that halfway down the front face are a number of cupmarks.
Also on the crag nearby are two abandoned millstones, I know they're not really ancient but are a good example of recent megaliths. How the hell did they get these things from an isolated Pennine crag? and why abandon them? maybe the arse fell out of the millstone market?
I suppose they could have been used for crushing ore or limestone, there are limekilns about a mile away..who knows?
Following recent discoveries I have made on the North Yorkshire Moors and information I have received from Graeme Chappell, I think these marks are not prehistoric cups but marks left by bullets. Apparently standing stones were used for target practice during World War 2. Further evidence for this on this particular stone is that the 'cup' has damaged the carving of the date which would imply that the cup is younger than the date carving. The close proximety of an army training ground would also support this.