Image credit: Brian Kerr
Image credit: Brian Kerr
Image credit: Brian Kerr
For folks with a GPS device the 8 digit reference is NY82351423. An example of portable rock art lies nearby at NY83161466.
Sites within 20km of Leonard’s Cragg
Lune Head
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Rey Cross
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Croglam Castle
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Waitby Castle
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Mallerstang Pillow Mounds
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Mallerstang Bronze Age Cairns
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Druidical Judgement Seat
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Rasett Hill
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Cotherstone Moor
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Goldsborough Rigg
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Mazon Wath
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Baldersdale & Howsgill
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Loup’s Hill
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Castle Folds
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Lousy Brow 2
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Rayseat Pike
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Sunbiggin Tarn
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Bowes Barrows
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Little Kinmond
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Upper Teesdale
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Hollin Stump
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Ure Head – The Source of the River Ure
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Crosby Ravensworth Common
Cairns A & B
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Gaythorn Plain
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13 Stones
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The Butter Stone
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Foggerthwaite Burnt Mound
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photo 6 forum 2 description 1 -
Thunder Stone (Great Asby Scar)
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Raise Howe
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Swinkly Knoll
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Rawthey Bridge
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Broadfell Cairn
photo 1 description 1