Looking WNW. The little burn is over on the right.
Looking WNW. The little burn is over on the right.
Looking up the sloping ground towards the road.
Looking ESE. Park Neuk stone circle is on the crest of the hill, to the left of the copse of trees.
Visited by accident 17 October 2023, after leaving Park Neuk stone circle and heading west along the road towards Heatheryhaugh and Burnside of Drimmie.
In an open area north of the road close to where the OS map shows some hut circles, which we didn’t find, stands a stone, which we did find.
The road slopes down to a little burn, the watercourse hidden by reedy grasses and the area a little boggy underfoot. The stone is irregularly shaped, but smoothed like the stones in the wood south of Park Neuk. It appears to have been stood here by humans rather than being a natural erratic. There are no other obvious stones in the vicinity. From here, the stones of Park Neuk circle can just be seen on the brow of the hill.
No idea whether it’s ancient, Canmore is silent about its existence so it may be a modern addition. However, it serves no obvious purpose, as there are neither dykes nor gateways anywhere near that might need a stone to be stuck in them.
Onwards to Hill of Drimmie.