The south face, showing the diagonal grooves quite clearly.
Looking NW – diagonal grooves showing up quite well!
Looking west – quite a pronounced north-wards lean!
The north face
I parked at the entrance to Straloch House, plenty of room. Used the wooden stile on the opposite side of the road, to the south, and made my way down to the stone and the beautiful River Ardle.
Continuing the beast theme of previous posts I’m glad to say nothing was in the field. On the opposite side of the river some horses did say hello.
Visited 25/7/2013.
Only sheep in the field today, and at the far end, so no being chased by bullocks as per Hamish! There’s a very convenient layby and the stile is great!
The south face of the stone is marked by diagonal grooves, I assume they are weathering but very reminiscent of Tuilyies. Quite a dramatic stone, over 2 m tall.
I went into the field over a stile on the top road and followed the fence closely followed by two large red brown bullocks.After I had taken a photo the said bullocks decided my time in their domain was over.I made the other side of the fence just before they caught up with me.
Straloch (AKA Cotterton or Davan) Standing Stone
Friday 5/4/02
Of all the times we’ve traveled along this road I’ve never even noticed this stone- despite it being over 2 m tall! It’s tucked down next to the River Ardle behind some trees and a over a large ditch down on the same level as the river. Despite being so tall, the stone is really thin- only about 40 cm or so. It’s aligned NE/SW and has an oblong section missing from its northern side. This shape obviously makes it a great scratching post as the stone has been rubbed into a great shine by cattle.