
Image of St Patrick’s Isle (Ancient Village / Settlement / Misc. Earthwork) by thesweetcheat

St Patrick’s Isle from Peel. Although now lost under Peel Castle, the Iron Age settlement was at this landward end of the islet.

Image credit: A. Brookes (18.8.2019)
Image of St Patrick’s Isle (Ancient Village / Settlement / Misc. Earthwork) by thesweetcheat

The channel separating St Patrick’s Isle from Peel, now bridged by a causeway.

Image credit: A. Brookes (18.8.2019)
Image of St Patrick’s Isle (Ancient Village / Settlement / Misc. Earthwork) by thesweetcheat

The islet is dominated by Peel Hill, which has a number of Bronze Age cairns.

Image credit: A. Brookes (18.8.2019)
Image of St Patrick’s Isle (Ancient Village / Settlement / Misc. Earthwork) by thesweetcheat

The highest part of the islet, looking northeast up the coast. The visible remains are all medieval.

Image credit: A. Brookes (18.8.2019)



St Patrick’s Isle
Ancient Village / Settlement / Misc. Earthwork

The Moddey Dhoo or Black Dog is said to prowl the grounds of Peel Castle and St Patrick’s Isle:

THEY say, that an Apparition called In their Language, the Mauthe Doog, in the shape of a large black Spaniel with curled shaggy Hair, was used to haunt Peel Castle; and has been frequently seen in every Room, but particularly in the Guard Chamber, where, as soon as Candles were lighted, it came and lay down before the Fire in presence of all the Soldiers who, at length, by being so much accustomed to the Sight of it, lost great Part of the Terror they were seized with at its first Appearance. They still, however, retain’d a certain Awe, as believing it was an Evil Spirit which only waited Permission to do them Hurt, and for that Reason, forbore Swearing and all prophane Discourse while in its Company. But tho’ they endured the Shock of such a Guest when all together in a Body, none cared to be left alone with it: it being the Custom, therefore, for one of the Soldiers to lock the Gates of the Castle at a certain Hour, and carry them to the Captain, to whose Apartment, as I said before, the Way led through a Church; they agreed among themselves, that whoever was to succeed the ensuing Night, his Fellow in this Errand would accompany him that went first, and by this means, no Man would be expos’d singly to the Danger: for I forgot to mention that the Mauthe Doog was always seen to come from that Passage at the Close of Day, and return to it again as soon as the Morning dawned; which made them look en this Place as its peculiar Residence.

ONE Night a Fellow being drunk, and by the Strength of his Liquor rend’red more daring than ordinary, laugh’d at the Simplicity of his Companions, and tho’ it was not his Turn to go with the Keys, would needs take that Office upon him, to testify his Courage. All the Soldiers endeavour’d to dissuade him, but more they said, the more resolute he seemed, and swore that he desired nothing more than that Mauthe Doog would follow him, as it had done the others, for he would try if it were Dog, or Devil. After having talked in a very reprobate manner for some Time, he snatched up Keys and went out of the Guard-Room: in some Time after his Departure a great Noise was heard, but nobody had Boldness to see what occasioned it, till the Adventurer returning, they demanded the Knowledge of him, but as loud and noisy as he had been at leaving them, he was now become sober and silent enough, for he was never heard to speak more: and tho’ all the Time he lived, which was three Days, he was entreated by all who come near him, either to speak, or if he could not do that, to make some Signs, by which they might understand what had happened to him, yet nothing intelligible could be got from him, only, that by the Distortion of his Limbs and Features, it might be guess’d that he died in Agonies more than is common in a natural Death.

THE Mauthe Doog was, however, never seen after in the Castle, nor would any one attempt to go thro’ that Passage, for which Reason it was closed up, and another Way made. This Accident happened about Threescore Years since, and I heard it attested by several, but especially by an old Soldier, who assured me he had seen it oftener than he had then Hairs on his Head.

From The History and Description of the Isle of Man: Viz. Its Antiquity, History, Laws, Customs, Religion and Manners of Its Inhabitants – George Waldron (1744, W. Bickerton)


St Patrick’s Isle
Ancient Village / Settlement / Misc. Earthwork

From A Guide To The Archaeological Sites Of The Isle Of Man- Andrew Johnson & Allison Fox (2017, Culture Vannin):

There are no visible prehistoric remains on St Patrick’s Isle, but archaeological excavations found a shallow hollow, in which flint tools had been manufactured. These tools have been dated to the Mesolithic period, when such hollows were commonly dug to provide shelters in which to work, process food, eat and sleep. The variety of flint tools discovered suggests the islet was seasonally used around 8000 years ago. St Patrick’s Isle continued to be used into the Neolithic period, as worked flints, stone tools and some pottery characteristic of this time have also been discovered.

Evidence of more permanent occupation from the Bronze Age onwards has been revealed in the form of post hole foundations for a series of roundhouses. Their sheltered location on the east side of the islet and apparently continuous occupation into the late Iron Age suggests that the site was both attractive and significant. Its apparent security resulted in the construction of a large roundhouse about 8.5-9m in diameter which served as a granary and would have been controlled by the local elite. A substantial deposit of charred timber and grain however showed that the building, which had stored large quantities of spelt wheat and smaller amounts of emmer wheat and barley, had been completely destroyed by fire just over 2,200 years ago.

Sites within 20km of St Patrick’s Isle