
Image of Arragon Mooar Burial Cairn (Round Cairn) by postman

Arragon Mooar circle in the next field, it’s much better than this one.

Image credit: Chris Bickerton
Image of Arragon Mooar Burial Cairn (Round Cairn) by Ravenfeather

Looking along the SSE alignment between the Arragon Moar cairn and circle.

Image credit: Paul Kesterton
Image of Arragon Mooar Burial Cairn (Round Cairn) by Ravenfeather

Close up of the chunky stones at the base of the cairn, with Arragon Moar circle looming on its mound in the background.

Image credit: Paul Kesterton
Image of Arragon Mooar Burial Cairn (Round Cairn) by Ravenfeather

Looking east across the ruined cairn, with Ballafurt farm just visible in the distance.

Image credit: Paul Kesterton
Image of Arragon Mooar Burial Cairn (Round Cairn) by Kammer

Taken 27th August 2003: Viewed from the south east.

Image credit: Simon Marshall


Arragon Mooar Burial Cairn

Visited 8th March 2012

The cairn here is now mostly robbed out, although a few chunky stones remain to delineate the circumference of the site. It feels as though it is linked with the nearby Arragon Moar circle, even though it is clearly the lesser monument (perhaps as Kammer suggests built for a lesser personage?) the circumference of the cairn is roughly similar, and the wide flattish stones at the base make it feel as if Arragon Moar Circle was built in the same way, but just raised atop a mound.

I was glad to find that access was considerably easier than in Kammer’s fieldnotes (once we’d actually found the place!), as an open gateway from Arragon Moar Circle’s field invited us over to visit the cairn.

Although much less impressive then the circle, it would be a shame not to visit, and it does provide some great views of the Arragon Moar Circle on the horizon.

Arragon Mooar Burial Cairn

Visited 27th August 2003: Arragon Mooar Burial Cairn isn’t as accessible as Arragon Moar Circle (presumably you’d need the farmer’s permission to visit it). From the road it appears to be smaller and less dramatic. The two sites are intervisible and it seems likely they’re part of the same cemetery. Our ‘visit‘ was more a case of admiring from afar (from the point where the small road to the south of the site bends sharply south). For details of where to park etc see my fieldnotes for Arragon Moar Circle.

Sites within 20km of Arragon Mooar Burial Cairn