
Castle Park

Two closely-spaced earthworks alongside The Ridgeway, Norchard Beacon.

Coflein descriptions:

Castle Park (west) (SN07030030)

The N and E sides of a possible subrectangular hillslope enclosure, c.40m in extent. A terraced track has been associated with the site.

Castle Park (east) (SN0762000204)

1. Earthworks of two relict field boundaries, occurring in single current field, c.160m across: the S earthwork, a curvilinear SW-ESE bank/scarp set above ground falling to the N, corresponds to a boundary depicted on OS County series (1890); the more N feature appears to be an E-W scarp, or lynchet, not incompatible with irregularities n current field boundary.

2. Aerial photography on 11th Jan 2006 confirms that earthworks are remnants of a denuded hillfort or defended enclosure, with an inner, oval defended enclosure crossed by an east-west boundary and partly fossilised on its south-west side by a field boundary, and a wider-spreading arc of bank to the north, formerly describing an outer defended enclosure or annex. The remains are consistent with the place-name.

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