
Image of Pennant cairn (Cairn(s)) by GLADMAN

Note the ‘feature’, foreground. The farmer seemed to reckon this was far from recent? Guess we need to go with Coflein.......

Image credit: Robert Gladstone
Image of Pennant cairn (Cairn(s)) by GLADMAN

Looking towards Foel Cwm-Sian Llwyd (centre right, skyline).... well worth a visit, too, should you be so inclined to tackle the merciless heather.

Image credit: Robert Gladstone


Pennant cairn

Pennant cairn is highly visible (in the right circumstances)from Nant Esgeiriau cairn and its only a fifteen minute walk from one to the other but a small river (Nant Esgeiriau) has to be crossed.
Even a quick look down from google earth will show that the interior hasnt just been annoyingly tampered with but entirely removed.
But standing within the cairns centre with grass underfoot, one can still feel cairn material underfoot. This isnt the work of hapless/brainless hill walkers, it was farmer git systematically remodelling it to keep sheep in.
To the north is the huge bulk of Carnedd y Ci , east is the misty peaks of the Berwyns, south is Nant Esgeiriau cairn and hill, and west is the forested slopes of Cwm Pennant.
Directly behind the cairn is a strange squarish arrangement of stones, if i’m reading cofleins notes right it could be a gunpowder store for the exploding quarry monkeys, it looks more like a cist or something to me, but then I do have ancient goggles on at all times.

From Pennant cairn the footpath to Cefn Penagored was clear, but I used the more direct sheep inspired route, thus missing out on Cwm Tywell ring cairn, now I know I’ll have to come back, Gggrrr I make myself so mad sometimes.

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Sites within 20km of Pennant cairn