This is a very easy cairn to find and one that I've been to many times. The cairn at one time was over 25 meters in diameter but now is held within a dry stane dyke over a meter in height. It has been recycled as a War Memorial for the First World War and now stands at 17 meters wide and has a height of over 2 meters.
I've been here many times as part of my duties as a musician/cornettist is to play the Last Post and Revielle on Armistice Day, this being one of the places I sometimes play. I never realised this was a cairn until Patrick Will, in one of his rambling but informative stories (this old man of Ythan is a living history book) said to find info about Donald's Hillock, as usual he was right.
It is just south of the village of Hatton Of Fintray, a fitting monument to the ancients and those who went away and never came back during the terrible times of the First World War. Ancient and modern have joined together to enjoy truly wonderful views of the River Don and Tyrebagger Hill. Hopefully the villagers will continue to look after this very historic site.