The Modern Antiquarian. Stone Circles, Ancient Sites, Neolithic Monuments, Ancient Monuments, Prehistoric Sites, Megalithic MysteriesThe Modern Antiquarian

Green Island, Milton Loch

Ancient Village / Settlement / Misc. Earthwork


Visited 22.06.23

There is a mysterious earthwork on Green Island, a promontory on the W bank of Milton Loch in Dumfries and Galloway. Milton Loch is c. 1 mile SE of Crocketford, near Dumfries.

The earthwork runs on a east-west axis along the promontory. The narrow boat shaped enclosure, measuring c. 246 feet east-west by 73 feet north-south according to Canmore ID 65045, is protected by a surrounding ditch and rampart defensive system. The rampart is c. 3 feet high and the surrounding shallow ditch 10-12 feet wide. The entrance to the enclosure is in the centre of the west flank, measuring c. 8 feet wide. The flat grassy enclosure is featureless.

There is some doubt as to the age and classification of the earthwork. C M Piggott thought it dated to the Dark Age or Medieval periods while A E Truckell stated it 'seems a definitely Viking type of site.' Atlas of Hillforts of Britain and Ireland has a description of the earthwork but notes that it ' cannot be classified as a fort as such.'
Posted by markj99
27th June 2023ce
Edited 28th June 2023ce

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