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Berkshire: Latest Posts

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Fox Barrow (Round Barrow(s)) — Miscellaneous

Details of barrow on Pastscape

Bronze Age bowl barrow visible as an earthwork and mapped from aerial photographs.

[SU 5071 8308] Fox Barrow [G.T.] (1)
Fox Barrow is a bowl barrow mentioned in an Anglo Saxon charter, and situated at the junction of the Blewbury, Compton and East Ilsley parish boundaries. The mound is thirty paces in diameter, seven feet high and surrounded by a ditch. Scheduled. (2-3) 'Fox Barrow' has been spared by ploughing and there is now no trace of a ditch. Published survey (25") revised. (4)
The barrow is visible as an earthwork on aerial photographs. (5)

( 1) General reference O.S. 6" (Prov.) 1960
( 2) General reference Berks A.J. 40, 1936, 46. (L.V. Grinsell)
( 3) General reference A M S Eng and Wales 1961, 19. (Mow).
( 4) Field Investigators Comments F1 JP 23-APR-64
( 5) Vertical aerial photograph reference number NMR OS/6431 208 17-MAY-1964
Chance Posted by Chance
9th March 2012ce

Grimsbury Castle (Hillfort) — Images (click to view fullsize)

<b>Grimsbury Castle</b>Posted by ginger tt<b>Grimsbury Castle</b>Posted by ginger tt<b>Grimsbury Castle</b>Posted by ginger tt<b>Grimsbury Castle</b>Posted by ginger tt ginger tt Posted by ginger tt
3rd January 2012ce

Sparsholt Down (Barrow / Cairn Cemetery) — Fieldnotes

'Drive-by' visit 13.11.11

Driving north along the minor road past Lambourne 7 Barrows and Lambourne Long Barrow you can see one of the two Barrows marked on the O/S clearly in a field to your right.

From the road it appears to be about 1 metre high and 20 metres across.
The second Barrow to the east is not visible from the road and unfortunately I didn't have time to stop for a proper look at the Barrows.

Access looked straight forward enough across the fields but there doesn't appear to be any official public right of way.

English Heritage record the site as Sparsholt Down Barrow Cemetery and use list entry ID – 1018720
Posted by CARL
15th November 2011ce

Lambourn Sevenbarrows (Barrow / Cairn Cemetery) — Fieldnotes

'Drive by' visit 13.11.11

On an unseasonably warm and sunny November afternoon it was a pleasant drive past the famous Barrows and with the summer vegetation now low the Barrows stood out even more than ever. Yellow / brown islands in a sea of lush green.

It is often the case with Barrows that they are best viewed from afar rather than close up. If I had had time I would have liked to have stopped but with Karen not feeling very well I had to settle for a 'drive by' view.

Still, it was a very pleasant sight.
Posted by CARL
15th November 2011ce

Caesar's Camp (Bracknell) (Hillfort) — Images

<b>Caesar's Camp (Bracknell)</b>Posted by GLADMAN<b>Caesar's Camp (Bracknell)</b>Posted by GLADMAN<b>Caesar's Camp (Bracknell)</b>Posted by GLADMAN GLADMAN Posted by GLADMAN
29th August 2011ce
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