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Re: Boris In Scotland
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thispoison wrote:
Captain Starlet,

You implied "probable Russian interference" swayed the Brexit result. I strongly disagree. This is our security services mirroring their US counterparts in finding an excuse for the Brexit result, just as the US searches for a reason to deligitimise the election of Trump.

Oh, come off it! Time to stop reading the tory press on that one and wake up to the fact. The security services obviously failed to convince the Westminster govt here and it's widely publicised stating very clearly that the govt was warned and “the government did not take action to protect the UK’s process in 2016”. So, bringing up the security services is quite a moot point as the recent report clearly indicates that they did actually do their job but the tories didn't act as wanted their brexit.

Interesting also that you raise the issue of the NHS. As a former NHS Contract Manager, it's an area very close to me. If it wasn't for brexit there wouldn't be any talk of selling it off anyway!

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Posted by Captain Starlet
2nd August 2020ce

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Re: Boris In Scotland (thispoison)

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Re: Boris In Scotland (thispoison)

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