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tjj wrote:
Captain Starlet wrote:

Wales, in particular, needs to find its voice again, there's a growing independence movement and the likes of tory and labour are (thankfully) a dwindling force in many areas with regard to local councils and AMs as we saw in the last Assembly elections.

Personally I don't want to see the break up of the uk, however like leaving the EU I think it may be an inevitability and it's not one that I'm going to oppose.

According to the 2011 Census, Wales had a population of just over three million, less than 5% of the total UK population. I'm one hundred percent in favour of devolution but surely its taxation of the entire UK population that keeps it all going - or not, as it would appear with the NHS. I agree with what Jeremy Corbyn said today - now is not the time to run away and hide, now is the time to fight back. Not sure if Sadiq Khan was wise to go up to Scotland and give the speech he did but I understand what he was trying to say about divisions and pitting people against each other. I almost fell into that trap recently when someone very much in favour of Scottish independence bounced me off the wall on another forum because of a reference I made to Brendan Cox's plea that we look for the things which unite us rather than divide us. My first response was to be hostile back - when hitherto I had never felt anything but deep affection for Scotland and its people. I can't see why Scotland, Wales and NI can't each operate along the lines of self-rule but still be part of what we know as the UK. I admit it doesn't apply to Northern Ireland but geographically Britain or the British Isles feels like one country. Surely united we are stronger. And Jeremy Corbyn is starting to look like a strong leader if only the careerists in his own party would get behind him fully.

Sadly Corbyn's comments make him a complete hypocrite, he's saying that about Scotland but wholly supporting the most divisive and reckless policy in the history of recent British history! His idiotic comment yesterday that there's "no appetite" for another referendum in Scotland just shows how completely out of touch with things he is.

I wholly agree that we should look at things that unite us, not just as a union but as a species. It's a total display of double standards to support the UK leaving the EU and oppose Scotland leaving the UK, after all the supposed reason was to 'reclaim our sovereignty' rid ourselves of an undemocratic monster'... so why shouldn't Scotland be allowed the same? There's no justifiable reason to oppose Scotland's choice to leave the UK (if they choose to do so) the whole reason for them staying (stronger ties in the EU) is now obsolete, they deserve their chance of freedom!

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Posted by Captain Starlet
27th February 2017ce

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