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Re: I'm so confused.....
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sanshee wrote:
That's the thing, I find that there is never any requirement of the blokes to 'dress accordingly' deeply wrong, and something I can not respect.
They asked your girlfriend, not you. It is pure segregation of the sexes, however you look at it.
No one would respect a system that discriminates based on race, but gender seems fair dos to some.
The Catholic church is also one of the last religions on earth to give women an equal voice in their hierarchy, and I would find it difficult to pander to that.

I totally agree. Lump of Green Slime posted earlier about Men in Islam having to dress up or veil, which was an interesting read. All religions have their garb and all ask that you show the proper respect. I have an interest in religion and respect the beliefs of those who believe in it, so I do as I'm asked. When in my house I'd expect someone to adhere to my rules so don't really have too much of a problem with other peoples. Most of the time it's take your shoes off. I used to go to Skandia Vale, a Hindu and multi faith monastic community in South Wales while in uni and there you weren't allowed to eat meat for 3 days beforehand, don't know why 3 days but wasn't a problem as I really like it there and the food's great. Everyone had to wrap up, not for any religious reason just that it was bloody cold!

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Posted by Captain Starlet
22nd November 2015ce

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Re: I'm so confused..... (sanshee)

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