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Re: I'm so confused.....
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dhajjieboy wrote:
So who am i to feel sorry for,
Jihadi John,the terrorist cunts in Paris or there victims?
Is all this stuff still the fault of the United States?
Does it matter that the one real tie that binds all these guys worldwide is one form or another of Islam?
Should i just forget about it even happening,and go pound sand up my ass?
So confused......

Nevermind, i'll just spin a Motorhead record.

Worth going back and listening to Slavoj Zizek about his brush with some nationalist paramilitaries in the former Yugoslavia. What they expressed to him was that they were nationalist paramilitaries because that role gave them scope to act out their depraved desire to commit acts of violence and often sexualised violence. Acts denied to them by westernised, liberal, tolerant, anti sexist, anti racist culture. These guys were not depraved because they were co-opted into a militarised nationalist project that demanded this of them. They joined the project because they were already depraved. Nationalism just happened to the be thing that gave them this scope in their country at that time.

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Posted by IanB
18th November 2015ce

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I'm so confused..... (dhajjieboy)

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Re: I'm so confused..... (dhajjieboy)

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