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Re: I'm so confused.....
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thispoison wrote:
On a night like this I'd happily see every Mosque in Europe bulldozed.

On a night like this I'd happily see all religious belief being made an into an imprisonable offence worldwide, frankly. And that includes Nazism, Marxism/Leninism, Maoism and all the other belief systems which are religions in all but name. Not that people - being people - wouldn't find other excuses to slaughter each other en masse of course...

Re Jeremy Corbyns's statement - I think it makes more sense than you give it credit for, given that Jihadists seek martrydom and that by killing them you're giving them exactly what they want. I think arrest and trial would be a more humiliating punishment and would be less likely to fuel further revenge attacks in the west. I doubt he's suggesting that Jihadi John shouldn't have been killed if that were the only logistically possible means of extinguishing the threat - just that it would have been preferable if the alternatives of arrest and trial HAD been feasible.

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Posted by Popel Vooje
14th November 2015ce

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Re: I'm so confused..... (thispoison)

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