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Re: Jeremy Corbyn
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spencer wrote:
John Smith and Robin Cook will be smiling down, but I wish they were in the flesh. Do I think both met unnatural ends? Yes. There are forces that will not countenance the idea of a Corbyn premiership, which, if he has captured the youth vote as well as he seems to, IS totally possible..and overall, the Beeb's just said, he's got a significantly greater mandate than Bliar when elected leader. Long live Jeremy Corbyn. I want to vote Labour again, and never thought I would. Millions of people who have not just been disaffected with the party but politics as a whole will be thinking likewise, whatever the Sun says. Welcome back, real politics, welcome back, real principle. Please stay. Roll on PMQs. However Cameron, via his team of scriptwriters, may belittle and bluster, he will be standing before a person of far, far greater moral fibre, and the public will see this. Hello party reform. Goodbye New Labour. Goodbye Jamie Reid (who?), Rachel Reeves and Tristram Hunt and others to come, you will not be missed. (Serious) game on. I can't wait.

And far greater intelligence. A good day.

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Posted by carol27
12th September 2015ce

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Re: Jeremy Corbyn (spencer)

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