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Re: Jeremy Corbyn
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And another thing...!

Yes, back again. I'm genuinely sorry if it looks like I'm unfairly jumping on your post. That's not my intention. But there was something about your UKIP analogy that was bugging me

In your second 'explained for thickies' version you state

"The tory PR campaign tried to scare English voters by pointing out the increasing strength of the SNP north of the border. "A vote for Labour might allow the SNP to have some power as a junior coalition partner in Westminster, and that would be terrible" - they said*

UKIP tried to scare voters by claiming that increasing numbers of immigrants are heading to the UK (and Europe) - and that would be terrible.

In both cases; the core fact was true... the SNP were strong in Scotland; and there are more immigrants heading for the UK. However, whatever divisions are being created by those PR campaigns are being created by the people running the campaigns... not the people they are about."

Thats rather like saying "people didn't leave town because a hurricane was coming, they left because the weather forecast told them a hurricane was coming" Namely the end result, exodus of people, had nothing to do with the hurricane, just down to the people delivering the message. Except in the case of the SNP people could see on a daily basis the strength of their polling, as opposed to an as yet unseen storm over the horizon.

But hey, if thats what you believe.....

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Posted by Locodogz
10th September 2015ce

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Re: Jeremy Corbyn (grufty jim)

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Re: Jeremy Corbyn (grufty jim)

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