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Re: Jeremy Corbyn
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Haven't posted here before, but I have been following this thread with great interest also. I have also found myself tuning into newsnight most nights to catch the latest updates, which is a first for me!

Read an interesting article in the I last Saturday which looked at the uphill battle Corbyn faces in getting elected. It argues that age groups are now a more significant factor than class in voting patterns. In the last election Labour had a slight advantage with the under 30's, but suffered greatly at the hands of the grey vote. Couple this with the fact that people over 60 have a far greater turn out in elections taken as a group and that as people age they tend to be more conservative - this is the market that Corbyn needs to crack so to speak.

I'm off to watch Newsnight


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Posted by jb lamptoast-morsley
4th September 2015ce

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Re: Jeremy Corbyn (thesweetcheat)

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