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Re: It gets better
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carol27 wrote:
IanB wrote:
thesweetcheat wrote:
I'm looking forward to the ballot papers arriving. Not long now.

Me too.

Odd feeling being told off by the assistant editor of the New Statesman for not suffering enough under the Tories and therefore not having the right to want to risk Labour running a Corbyn-led campaign in 2020.

I used to like that RA Wilson quote about people moving from liberal to conservative in 20 years without changing a single opinion.

Seems I have inexplicably shifted from left to hard left in 5 years. My opinions have stayed pretty constant yet now only the Morning Star speaks to me and I feel pilloried by much of what passes for comment in the Grauniad and NS. FFS! How did it come to this?

It's called being true to yourself & not being blinded by the bullshit. It means you're alive & you should know there are a lot more people out there who feel the same; they're just a bit defeated by it all(ie me.) I'm full of admiration. Your eloquence, truthfulness & succinctness is bloody great. I've joined the Labour party & so have my sons.

Cheers! That's brilliant. I have bored everyone I know into submission on this subject! Our family are split down the middle on JC so good to hear there is some solidarity in your house.

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Posted by IanB
8th August 2015ce

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Re: It gets better (carol27)

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