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Re: Scots/Picts/Celts/Romans/Saxons/etc
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thesweetcheat wrote:

I must admit that I hadn't really considered the Picts and the Scots to be distinct, in much the same way I wouldn't think of the Cornish/Welsh as being distinct from the Celtic people who were here before the Romans and Saxons (Sais) arrived.

That is just the issue. What is 'Celtic'? The Romans apparently understood that term to refer to 'foreigners' on the continent? Never mentioned any peoples living on these isles as 'Celtic'. And they should know!! Were they before the Anglo Saxons? Who says? I've just read Barry Cunliffe's new book and I'm sad to say I'm not at all convinced. Is there such a thing as a Celt? I reckon not. Based on a 'style of art'?

Besides, the archealogical evidence strongly suggests the 'Anglo Saxon taxeover' as being no-more than the Norman Conquest... one elite replacing another... the peasants going 'whatever', another load of bastards demanding taxes. Vast majority of the people remaining as was.

I would suggest a guilt complex is placiing 'rose tinted specs' over the eyes of modern Scots. Face it. You destroyed the Picts.

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Posted by GLADMAN
2nd November 2012ce

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