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Re: Modern memorials as 'ancient monuments'
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The Eternal wrote:
Hi June,

I think that the big difference between prehistoric monuments and the imitations erected/inscribed today is that of recording.

Prehistory is unrecorded at the time. Modern stuff is always recorded in some way or other. Whatever imitations are created today will be recorded by someone somewhere, be it in a diary, on a pc or laptop, or on t'internet, be it on sites like this, or on the moron-magnet otherwise known as Facebook. Somewhere everything is recorded, observed, witnessed, and, of course, there's Big Brother, who seems to be an ever-present in these days of government prying. George Orwell failed - he got the year wrong!

"We are all visitors to this time, this place. We are just passing through. Our purpose here is to observe, to learn, to grow, to love ... and then we return Home"

As for your aboriginal verse, for me it's pure poetry, and speaks the truth of what life really means.

All the best,

To be fair, TE, I think Mr Orwell's greatest testament is that we aren't being worked to death in a gulag somewhere..... I guess he scared us enough.

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Posted by GLADMAN
30th September 2012ce

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