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Re: Elephants & tigers & hens & other Tory targets
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vivid wrote:
Vivid: Sorry if I came across as arrogant. I live in the country and also have a certain amount of tolerance towards some village men I know who, whilst shooting, say, magpies and rabbits for conservation purposes, also have owl boxes etc. and would hate to think they'd performed anything but a 'clean kill'. I've taken injured water fowl to such people and they've been very helpful. I also know several who I'm damn sure go badger baiting, hare coursing etc., who are cruel bastards. I'm not a sentimentalist about this.

With regard to your comments about working on the divisions, well, I can't separate out humans from animals and the environment because I just can't. For me they're linked but please don't mistake this for animal versus human rights' position.

No, I probably didn't express myself properly.... not suggesting you are arrogant. My issue re arrogance is with absolute positions... the 'I am right and that is that' position some people have. These leave no room for manoeuver except via brute force, which solves nothing. We need a lot more open dialogue between town and country people to break down long held stereotypical divisions. My experience has shown that most stereotypes we hold of the 'other' are just that... fantasy. The occasional nutter on either side proves the rule since it is rare to meet them.

We need to try and find common ground that everyone can live with or we'll never change anything...the best way is to go and talk to people... what do they think, what are their issues? The Northern Ireland situation is an obvious analogy, I guess. The militant vegan berating everyone for not following his/her lead and refusing to entertain argument is not going to help discussion any more than Lord Wotsit ordering you off his land with a shotgun because you are a dirty oik.

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Posted by GLADMAN
14th November 2010ce

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