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Re: More Bono bashing (never enough IMO) - final word from me!
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Cheers Grufty. I understand what One is about, and I know what it 'doesn't do', and there are many 'offshoots'. And I know Bono has even dontaed to the 'one on four' campaign for sex abuse survivors, which to me is a good thing to do indeed.
As I've also said, I don't care how poverty/misery is defeated or whose ego is bolstered so long as it works. Live Aid - what an ego fest - but lives were saved.
If I die and my kid's only choice is left starving behind a malaria net or living at Madonna's, I'll let her take the mantle, believe me, and I think he records are 'crap' (well, 'Into the Groove' is quite good).
But we are talking about this particular issue, and for 'One' to model its charter on Amnesty is a bit strange.
Most countries don't give a flying hoot about aid agencies turning up, they'll allow the work to continue, but try telling them how to exercise their moral authority...
So I don't quite understand how poverty can be 'politicised' in that way.
Again, the Pigler piece speaks volumes.
It's a shame some people have joined this debate just on Bono/Anti-Bono grounds, and even though the thread title suggests that, it was making some very valid points.

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Posted by sanshee
14th October 2010ce

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