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Re: More Bono bashing (never enough IMO)
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No, Mr B, I don't hate Bono at all.
To me he's a face and a name that pops up in the celebrity news from time to time along Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan.
And how he uses his money; personally I couldn't care less.
And I'm well aware you can find ruthless motherfuckers among musicians as in any other group. But I can't really see that being a ruthless motherfucker should give anyone carte blanche to exploit said motherfucker.

Quote: "Well a moral double standard based on whether or not you like someone's art is itself evidence of a cool-o-meter."

I see you're eagerly maintaining the claim that people here criticise Bonos economical dispositions and idealism/lack of idealism solely because they hate his music.
Seems to me that instead of claiming you can read peoples mind, this "cool-o-meter" pops up.
Imo you've delivered some good arguments against the criticism of said gentleman's idealism, and that's why I don't understand why this "cool-o-meter" argument should be necessary.
I'm far from being perfect myself, but I've really begun to wonder about some of the "debating techniques" being used on our beloved HH.

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Posted by Loopy Lumbago
14th October 2010ce

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