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Re: More Bono bashing (never enough IMO)
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Loopy Lumbago wrote:
I've been wondering a bit about that "cool-o-meter" you've been referring to.
Is it something that really exists or is it just a convenient invention.
I mean, like "the leftist hive mind"; a way of making an argument without actually having one?

Well a moral double standard based on whether or not you like someone's art is itself evidence of a cool-o-meter.

You want to believe that Bono is a bad man and that musicians are generally sweet innocents being exploited by middle men then you are entitled to your opinion. The reality is much more complex than that. For every musician who has been ripped off there is another who is a ruthless motherfucker. What they produce as artists is irrelevant. Some of the badest men and women make the best and most challenging art. Some of the sweetest musicians make horrible exploititive pap. Not many of either sort concern themselves much with the plight of others. Solipsism often being a large part of the artistic personality and perfectly human.

I have been meaning to reply to your "I believe there are alternatives to blindly succumbing to the rules and dynamics of capitalism" thing. I would like to know what those alternatives are.

I have spent the largest part of my career chasing down money for musicians and song writers and from what I see Rock n Roll is headed back to its Blues and Jazz roots as a music of poverty. The alternative economy for the vast majorty of practising musicians and composers is that music will never be much more than an expensive hobby. It's an alternative like homelessness is an alternative to renting and the property ladder.

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Posted by IanB
14th October 2010ce

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Re: More Bono bashing (never enough IMO) (Loopy Lumbago)

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