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Re: More Bono bashing (never enough IMO)
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keith a wrote:
I think 'pointless' was the word I used for that bit.

I thought it was like some crass soundbite a modern politician would say. Sounds good, but is ultimately hollow. Unless you live your life as some weird take on David Carradine’s Kung-fu programme and get all Zen-like!

Otherwise, it's like me answering your last message with...

All this 'you say you can’t understand why people don’t understand’ is as reactionary saying you don’t understand.

It’s basically “Let’s call everyone who disagrees with me a reactionary.”


And the bit I said I didn't understand was a totally different bit but I'm starting to feel like a parrot now...

I don't agree I'm afraid.

"All this 'you only complain because it's Bono' defence is as reactionary as actually complaining for that very reason."

To me that stands up to scrutiny, and makes perfect sense. Presumably to you it doesn't. And I don't think it equates to:

"All this 'you say you can’t understand why people don’t understand’ is as reactionary saying you don’t understand. "


Not much point in discussing it further though, this thread is already chock full of you and sanshee going to and fro with it! I think agreeing to differ is probably the order of the day. I merely wanted sanshee to know that I concurred. hope you don't mind!

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Squid Tempest
Posted by Squid Tempest
13th October 2010ce

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