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Re: do you smoke cannabis?
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pooley wrote:
grufty jim wrote:
handofdave wrote:
Don't call me a fucking hypocrite and then try to act friendly. Fuck you.

pooley wrote:
Fuck you too, hypocrite.

Jeez guys, does it need to descend to this level?

I had hoped not.

I regret that last post, but I seem to be paying the price for voicing a concern that goes againt the ethos of the site

pooley, I have already agreed with the thrust of your argument. Merrick has staunchly defended your position. With one exception, every pot-smoker here has clearly stated that they know the provenance of their pot. So please stop insisting that you're a lone voice against the "ethos of the site" on this particular issue. You're not.

You and handofdave have gotten into a regrettable slanging match, but damn near everyone is agreeing with your basic point here.

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Posted by grufty jim
20th August 2010ce

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Re: do you smoke cannabis? (pooley)

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Re: do you smoke cannabis? (Squid Tempest)
Re: do you smoke cannabis? (pooley)

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