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Re: my tuppence worth
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Toni Torino wrote:
I can't help but think that kids would be trafficked for much more sinister reasons than a bit of plant watering.

Of course. Don't get me wrong, Toni. I'm not suggesting that people-trafficking or child labour doesn't happen. It does happen and it's a major problem. A major evil.

I just don't see the logistics of using trafficked kids to grow cannabis as making any sense. As I've pointed out, it's not a labour intensive process and most of what little work there is can be automated very cheaply. Introducing forced labour simply increases the risks for sod all gain.

And again, let me stress, I'm sure there probably are some idiots doing it, but it's highly unlikely to be widespread.

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Posted by grufty jim
20th August 2010ce

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Re: my tuppence worth (Toni Torino)

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