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Re: do you smoke cannabis?
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Ziggypop wrote:
dee wrote:
Indeed...i never bought the Vietnamese illegal immigrant story either.....might be true but it dont feel right to me.....the media have done a great job demonizing mary jane

Yeah I always believe the media and believe that the bbc are so left wing they have to be right.. I agree it funds terrorism aswell..I guess I'll just stick to me fags, coffee, tea and alchohol from now on as I truly hate any kind of exploitation..

Do what ever you need to justify it to yourself. If this was anything else you would all be up in arms.
The police have confirmed most of the facts in this. There are trafficked children preparing your cannabis. Enjoy

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Posted by pooley
19th August 2010ce

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Re: do you smoke cannabis? (Ziggypop)

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Re: do you smoke cannabis? (Ziggypop)

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